
IBM Workshop --Creative Thinking

On November 10, 2023, in Beijing, on this cold early winter morning, the conference room of the IBM Greater China Expert Laboratory was bustling with activity. They were dressed in formal suits, full of energy, and their faces were filled with excited and expectant smiles., they are a special group of "guests", they are the students of the Garage Club of Beijing Royal School. A strong teaching team composed of Dr. Wang Xiangbo, Dr. Yuan Chang, Dr. Gao Yi, Dr. Li Jie, and Director Zheng Tianxiu, executive principals of Royal School, led 16 student representatives from the Garage club to participate in a joint event with the IBM Greater China Expert Laboratory The workshop activity with the theme of "Innovative Thinking" was also the first close contact between the Garage Club of Beijing Royal School and IBM. In the future, through the learning and discussion of innovative thinking, there will be more exchanges and cooperation on projects.


Mr. Wei Yongming, general manager of the IBM Greater China Expert Laboratory, delivered a welcome speech. He said: "This is the first time that IBM has welcomed the 'smallest guest.'" At the same time, he was also very happy to discuss IBM's "Innovative Thinking" with the students. Technology. Dr. Wang Xiangbo, Executive Principal of Royal School, also delivered a speech on behalf of the school. He had high expectations for the students in the Garage club and hoped that the students would not only be able to fully absorb IBM's new innovative thinking concepts in this course, but also enjoy the learning process, can be inspired in their future studies and careers, and you can also get support from more cutting-edge technologies and technologies in your future cooperation with IBM.


During the course, Mr. Wei introduced IBM's 112th anniversary. The students learned about IBM's innovation and development in different periods and also learned that IBM has been leading industry changes in many fields for more than 100 years. IBM's unique garage methodology explains a systematic thinking model that is customer-demand-oriented and sustainable.


Then the students took the "New Mayflower" unmanned ship and entered the vast IBM Greater China Expert Laboratory. Here they saw IBM's dense patent wall. Thousands of technologies are patented every year, which is worthy of the world. Number one. The students also watched the human-computer debate competition with the highest-level application of human language, AI intelligent video editing, AI art museum, digital human sales, social distance, and other high-tech technology manifestations, and learned about many of the world's most cutting-edge technologies and innovations.


In the afternoon interactive course, under the guidance of Mr. Zhao Wentao, senior manager of IBM China Ecosystem North Region, and Mr. Gu Bing, IBM training consultant, students customized simulation scenarios, guided by design thinking methodology, and completed the process from customer needs to final design. The entire process of the product. The students were very enthusiastic. They used the knowledge they had learned and gave full play to their imagination to design a series of smart agricultural management systems such as "Smart Farm", "Genetically Modified Pests Turned into Fertilizer", "Robot Vole" and "Gluttonous Apple Office Computer".


Happy times are always short-lived. Unknowingly, the afterglow of the setting sun filled the entire conference room, and the day's activities were over. However, Principal Wang and Mr. Wei's expectations for the students and IBM's "Wild Duck" spirit will always inspire Garage. Every member is always on the road!

                                                  Writer: Zhang Jiayi, President of the Garage Club of Beijing Royal School